Saturday 29 June 2013

Java Pt1: Yogyakarta: Adisucipto International Airport


First off, let me apologize for the lack of photos in this entry. This is an airport area and we are not suppose to take or make any visual recordings due to security reasons.


This is part 1 of my 5 day trip to Central and East Java.
It was about 6 months in the making and my most anticipated trips yet.
Since everything has been pre-arranged, I'll give my best shot on the things I observed and the usual "Don't Panic" section.

We started from Changi International Airport in Singapore to Yogyakarta in Central Java.
It's about an hour and half trip. Recommend taking a budget airline to save on cost.
On this occasion I traveled with Air Asia.

This isn't the actual flight plan.
Just thought it was cool to draw a line from point A (Singapore) to Point B (Yogyakarta)
Yogyakarta is located on the Java island and it is close by the famous Merapi volcano eruption in 2010.

Top arrow Merapi Volcano and bottom arrow is where I am going
Find more fun facts about Yogyakarta's history on
To make it easier for travelers, there is also #1 Tourism Portal of Yogyakarta


International Airport, Really?

After touching down at Yogyakarta Airport, I was actually surprised with its "simplicity" to say the least.

Adisucipto International Airport (or in the local language "Bandar Udara Internasional Adisucipto") seems small for an international airport. It's located 6 km from the city center. From what I observed, most of the planes that serve this airport seems to be budget flights.

Apparently there is a golf course at the airport as well

I queued out to the runway where you have those trucks pulling your luggage, pass you by.
If you didn't fill your disembarking form and customs declaration forms during the flight then it's going to take awhile before you will clear customs and immigration. I made a mistake on disembarking form and when I asked the flight attendant (AirAsia) they gave me a blunt reply "Sorry, we only have limited forms."

In between immigration and customs remember to pick up your luggage. It's very easy to miss it. Immigration check, luggage check, customs check and finally you are free or so I thought.

Stepping out of the airport lobby there are these small eating places including a KFC, coffee and doughnuts and also a sandwich place. If you look a little further there is a hidden cafe just outside the airport lobby.

Look a little further (meaning walk down the escalators and up again) and there is a staff canteen. Food is authentically Indonesian and prices are very local. Try asking where is the staff canteen. It's well worth the price and food.

Taxis and Other Transport

The local transport who picked us has a nice air conditioned bus. But for those who didn't plan ahead to get a chartered transport here, there are the taxis and most likely you will be swarmed by them as soon as you step out of the airport lobby. There is also local bus and train service from this airport. Those of who have tried them, do leave a comment love to hear your experience using them.


Wrong Filled Out Your Forms?

If you wrongly filled out your forms (during flight) and the flight attendants refuse to give you fresh forms, don't panic.

As soon you get off your plane and into customs check point, there will be a small counter to your left where they keep additional forms. Grab it and quickly get back into line. The queue is very long. Here's another tip, these days you can find pens which has erasable ink. Get one of those.


If you gets swarmed by taxi touts, relax, don't panic.
Smile and politely decline. Don't try being curious by asking for prices.

Would You Like Some Java Batik?

Sometimes, the touts and drivers work together with certain stores to sell you batik and other local products. They will usually start by asking if you like like to visit local factories or handicraft workshop to see the process of creating them. I rather decline as there is always the case of local retailers pushing sky high prices to tourists. There are plenty of opportunity to buy local crafts and products during your stay in Java.

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