Monday 6 October 2014

Book Review 8: The Middle Kingdom Ride - Colin & Ryan Pyle

Middle Kingdom Ride
Author: Colin & Ryan Pyle

Where does the journey of a thousand mile starts? Many will say with the first step but for Ryan and Colin Pyle it starts when they crank up their 800cc BMW motorcycles to circumnavigate China. With almost no backing and support from anyone, these 2 brothers embark on a journey of 18,000km on motorcycles.

There is no better way, to make memories with your brother than to do something so challenging. For their efforts, they got a book deal, a TV series and another chance to prove their mettle in the India ride.

Both brothers were awarded the Guinness World Record in 2011 for the longest continuous journey by motorcycle in a single country. Beat the heat, cold, rain, bureaucracy, tolls, road basically everything that makes the Middle Kingdom.

Some of my favourite parts from the book,

“I feel as if I’m on a treadmill. It doesn’t matter how fast I run, I’m not going anywhere. Somehow, my life seems to have lost its meaning.”

“Question: What am I doing after this trip?
Answer: Whatever I want to do!”

“I lived my whole life obeying laws and being afraid of the consequences if I didn’t, and here I am in intensely communist country, blatantly disobeying military orders! I’ve said before that every day brings a new experience, and that was today’s; it was also one of the most insane experiences of my life”

“The sky was clear blue, the sun was shining, and it was like riding through a beautiful painting.”

“In the mornings, I find myself wondering why I’m here, and by afternoons I’m loving it. It’s sometimes hard to understand why people put themselves through arduous challenges instead of staying home where they’re warm and comfortable. For me, it’s the adventure and the fun of days like today. Looking back on difficult things you’ve done helps to overcome other challenges in your life because you realize what you can do when push comes to shove, and that you don’t need to shy away from doing something simply because it’s going to be tough.”

They also have a Facebook page.

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