Thursday 6 October 2016

Viet Nam: Hanoi After Dark Part 2


After the Water Puppet show and night market, I thought why not have KFC? It was Valentine's day and KFC Hoan Kiem wasn't that full tonight.

The two piece meal was good. The mashed potatoes didn't come from pre-pack plastic cups like you get in Singapore or Malaysia. The staff actually hand make them using potato powder. It tasted a little powdery. The coleslaw as what I could recall was prepared in the restaurant.

Overall, it was a good meal but Malaysia KFC still ranks number one in my list.
If you like to try it, the KFC is located just near to water puppet theater, north Hoan Kiem lake.

While enjoying the Viet Nam KFC for the first time, I was wondering what else I can do on my last night in Hanoi. It was still much too early to go to bed. Without a map, I decide to start my "short" walk to the famous Hanoi train station.

So before this starts sounding like foodie blog, this is Part 2 of Hanoi After Dark.

Ly Thai To and Con Coc Park

I walked about 1 km southeast from KFC heading straight to park nearby. I was in luck as wandered into what seems to be a popular park among the locals.

Ly Thai To Park (red arrow)
Con Coc Park (yellow arrow)

Ly Thai To is the founder of the Annam empire around the late 900 AD. In the local lingo, his name means supreme forefather. The park has a wonderfully erected bronze statue of him.

You probably missed these parks in every travel blog to Hanoi or you probably see some photos of what Hanoi residents do during the day. Here is what they do at night. Some dance, some sing, some roller blade and while some just like to gather with friends to talk.

Roller bladers
More bladers

Folks dancing the salsa

There are a few French style buildings which have been turned to government offices.
Unfortunately, not being able to speak Viet Namese, I couldn't tell what government offices they were.

Government offices are usually painted in yellow

However, in Con Coc park there is this one structure, which looks like old water fountain or monument that continues to draw my attention. I googled for more information, but there isn't much information on it. If you do know something about this building, please do leave a comment below.

Mystery structure

Hilton Hanoi Opera Hotel and Hanoi Opera House

Just further down south is the Hanoi Opera House. They have regular performances but tickets have to be booked way in advance. It was closed tonight.

The Hanoi Opera house was based on the famous Palais Garnier, Paris. Like most buildings in Hanoi, they based on a French colonial architecture.

You likely to miss the opera house and notice the beautiful Hilton Hanoi Opera Hotel next door. There is a reason why it isn't called Hanoi Hilton. If you missed my blog on the notorious Hoa Lo Prison, check out it here in this link.

It was here that I realized my GPS was a little screwed up and I been walking in the wrong direction. The Hanoi train station is on the other side of the Hoan Kiem lake. The night keeps getting colder by the minute.

Uptown Hanoi

Having lost my way and walking in an unfamiliar city is not how I like to spend my night.

But sometimes, you have to lose your way before finding it again.

The urban hiker in me quickly retraced my steps back and I was back on my path to the Hanoi train station.

Here was a very peculiar sight. I seen the old Hanoi quarter mainly made of old shops and stores.

However, here I found the new Hanoi very uptown and very classy. This Uptown Hanoi. In reality, I call it Uptown Hanoi due to lack of a better name.

Hanoi Train Station

After 2 plus kilometers of walking in the cold, which seemed endless I finally arrived the Hanoi Train Station. I wish there was more to say about the station but I arrived late and it was closed.
I saw a few backpackers sitting on the steps of the station waiting for the morning train. Other than there were road side hawkers selling hot noodles. They invited me to eat but it was really late and cold. All I really want now is a warm shower and a good night sleep.

However, the night is not over yet for me. I still had to walk back to the hotel in the old quarters.
Here are some pictures I took while I made my way back to the hotel.

Cleaners start work late at night instead of first thing in the morning.

The road is blocked to allow a freight train to cross.

Railway track

Hawkers still open late at night

Other hawkers decide to call it a night

Old buildings, means my hotel is close by

Thang Long Song Music and Dance Theater

Adventure rarely calls us on the time of our choosing. I was about to reach my hotel when I found this landmark on the tour guide map.

I wish there was more to tell about this old grand dame but it looked pretty run down. Locals have used the front door as a motorcycle parking lot. I couldn't find more information about this building besides it being renovated.

I reached the hotel somewhere near to midnight, freezing, sore feet and feeling great to have taken off beaten path.

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