Thursday 16 July 2015

Book Review 15: The Valkyries - Paulo Coelho

Author: Paulo Coelho

Valkyries are angels of death who take fallen Vikings to Valhalla. This book from Paulo Coelho has no reference to the Vikings’ legend.

Female motorcycle gangs, a wife, a sorcerer and a trip to the Mojave Desert.

In short, Paulo finds a motorcycle gang who are also into magic and they help him find his, angel.
He brings along his wife Chris, who learns a little about herself and the magic practices of her husband, Paulo.

What is the secret to find your guiding angel? There are 3 rules
  • Break a pact
  • Accept forgiveness
  •  And make a bet

The meaning of each rule will be different for every person seeking his or her angel. Still with me so far?

This is one of those books where an open mind is required from the start to the end. Put logic away and drift into the world of magic and possibilities.

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